
Plague? Cholera?… Or both?

I’m back after a long and beautiful vacation in Colombia, where I followed the ups and downs of the markets and Cagliari Calcio from afar. I don’t know if it’s just a feeling, but not much had happened during my absence – at least as far as the markets were concerned (Cagliari did manage to […]

La corsa allo spazio

•L’innovazione tecnologica e l’abbassamento dei costi contribuiscono ad accelerare la crescita dell’industria spaziale •Le società private si sono unite alle nazioni nella ricerca di una posizione strategica e commerciale di lungo termine •Come per tutte le nuove frontiere, il potenziale è enorme ma comporta una serie di sfide e rischi Da molto tempo l’esplorazione spaziale […]

Not relegated yet, I will be back next year !

This is my last weekly comments of the year. At the time of writing, Cagliari Calcio would be relegated to Serie B after losing (again) with honor (once again) against Atalanta this week-end. Except that it has been an incredible eventful and fascinating year on markets. I would like to thank you warmly for your […]

Higher uncertainty? Favor flexibility and optionality, while remaining open-minded

The November US jobs report, released last Friday, was more reassuring than yesterday’s Cagliari Calcio game, where they lost 0-1 against Fiorentina. While the report points to a solid US labor market, Cagliari’s defeat means my favorite team remains dangerously close to the relegation zone. However, headlines can sometimes be misleading. For example, consider yesterday’s […]

Treasures hunting

As we are constantly bombarded with information, distinguishing the “signal” (the useful, reliable information) from the “noise” (irrelevant or misleading data) is increasingly difficult. It seems to me that since Trump’s election, the noise volume has increased further, while the range of outcome has become wider. In this context, I feel somewhat lost when I […]

Nucleare: un futuro radioso per l’energia pulita

Come molti leader di tutto il mondo stanno arrivando a riconoscere, il raggiungimento di obiettivi ambiziosi di sostenibilità per il 2030/2050 implica necessariamente l’attribuzione di un ruolo di primo piano all’energia nucleare. In quanto fonte energetica priva di emissioni utilizzata per il carico di base, con impianti che offrono una longevità eccezionale, è un vettore […]