
“SELECT study, a pivotal moment for the fight against obesity”

•Novo Nordisk’s “SELECT” study released ground-breaking results last week. •The study demonstrated that Wegovy, a GLP-1 anti-obesity drug, reduces severe cardiovascular risk by 20% for non-diabetic obese patients. •This was seen as a best-case scenario, boosting confidence in Novo and Eli Lilly in particular as it paves the way for public and private payer coverage, […]

Upside Down

One of the most interesting aspects of the markets since the start of the year has been that investors have been caught completely off-guard. Your scribe included. Actually, it has been completely upside down compared to the consensus expectations and positioning that prevailed in January: underweight in equities, long China on re-opening narrative, negative techno-long […]

Predicting Inflation

On inflation there has recently been a mea culpa by some major central banks. In the current economic situation, which indicators (including unconventional ones) can be considered most valid for predicting inflation? “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future!” (Niels Bohr) and even more for inflation nowadays. Like many other key variables, […]


After the Barbie movie, it’s time for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to hit the big screen with their “Cowabunga” rallying cry, which by the way may also mean astonishment or stupor; has been adopted by surfers as a declaration of enthusiasm or exhilaration; or can be used for a battle cry. So, in the […]


Come leggere la frenata in corso dei listini #azionari? E in particolare, quanto peso dare al taglio di Fitch o alla stagionalità? Quali #settori o titoli prediligere in questo momento?  L’analisi sui mercati di Fabrizio Quirighetti, CIO & Head of Multi-Asset di DECALIA su Class CNBC con Elisa Piazza. Grazie a Elisa per la gentile ospitalità questa mattina! Da […]

La smania di viaggiare

Il settore dei viaggi è decisamente euforico in questa stagione estiva 2023. Sulla scia di ripresa energica della domanda, prenotazioni a livelli record, riapertura della Cina e potere di determinazione dei prezzi rinvigorito, gran parte delle aziende sta ora registrando margini pari o superiori a quelli pre-pandemia.Tuttavia, bisogna stare attenti a non abbandonarsi all’euforia dominante.In […]

Hop Schweiz!

On the eve of the Swiss national holiday, and after devoting my last week letter to the merits and, more importantly, the setbacks of the major economies and their currencies, it seemed obvious that we should take a closer look at Switzerland, its economy, its currency and its market. I received indeed many questions lately […]

The greenback may bend but it won’t break

DECALIA Market Updates by Fabrizio Quirighetti, CIO and Head of Multi-Asset Let’s start first by trying to explain the recent USD depreciation against most major currencies. It is basically due to the dollar smile phenomenon, observed about 20 years ago by Stephen Li Jen: the USD tends to outperform other currencies in two extremely different […]

DECALIA attending IPEM 2023 in Paris

DECALIA will be attending IPEM 2023 in #paris this September.Nicolo Miscioscia, Partner and Head of Private Markets will join the panel “How do you run a successful emerging manager program?”.Come and meet Nicolo Miscioscia, Rafaella Ostier, Business Development and Franco Maria Facecchia, Private Markets.See you in Paris! 🚀🚀