DECALIA: investire nei dividendi al tempo del coronavirus
Wall Street Italia – 30/04/2020 PDF
Categoria: Inside DECALIA
Wall Street Italia – 30/04/2020 PDF
Corriere Della Sera, L’Economia – 06/04/2020 PDF
DECALIA Asset Management ha assunto Jean-Christophe Labbé come gestore del fondo DECALIA Millennials. In tale ruolo, si unirà pertanto al team di gestione tematica sulle tendenze di consumo diretto da Clément Maclou. Prima di approdare in DECALIA, Jean-Christophe Labbé ha gestito con successo uno dei migliori fondi tematici rivolto alla generazione dei Millennials per Goldman […]
Il Sole 24 Ore – 24/03/2020 L’economia dello stare in casa ha effetti benefici su alcuni settori e titoli. PDF
QN Economia e Lavoro – 16/03/2020 PDF
DECALIA Asset Management expands its range of strategies with the launch of DECALIA Dividend Growth, a fund invested in global equities offering better prospects for dividend growth. Tested for more than 3 years in the form of a dynamic certificate, this investment concept has confirmed the superior results obtained historically by this type of strategy, […]
Almost one in five couples now meet online US Match Group and Chinese Momo own the most popular dating apps… … with Facebook well equipped to join the fray
Il Sole 24 Ore – 11/02/2020 PDF
2019 may well be be remembered as the turning point for ESG investing The range of ESG vehicles is fast expanding, with large asset managers joining the fray As money continues to pour into this space, ESG rating systems will need to improve
Millennials, as well as Generation Z, have spun the wheel of fashion back three decades In furnishing, cars and entertainment too, a form of nostalgia prevails Brands can serve to unite generations – and deliver value to investors
15 years after inception, the EU carbon allowance market is finally doing its job The rising cost of emissions will push economic agents to rethink their processes Expect massive investments in renewable energy, electric vehicles, hydrogen, biofuels and carbon capture