
DECALIA at Real Deals Summit 2024

Thank you to all participants at Real Deals Summit #2024 with Nicolo Miscioscia, Partner and Head of Private Markets at DECALIA and Eleanor Blagbrough who discussed their experience on “#GrowthCapital”, #trends in the #market and what they are seeing as the #strategy evolves.Many thanks to the organisation and moderator Kathryn Pothier. #PrivateEquity #PrivateMarkets #fundmanagers #investors […]

DECALIA at Zero One Hundred Conferences

Thank you to all participants at Zero One Hundred Conferences (PE & VC Platform)! The discussion kicked off by analyzing the implications of increased retail investor access to hashtag#PrivateEquity, both in terms of potential hashtag#opportunities and hashtag#risks. It was held by Nicolo Miscioscia, Partner and Head of Private Markets DECALIA, Bernardo Marques dos Santos, Karlijn […]

Golden Sun

Against all expectations, the Cagliari Calcio was able to draw with Inter yesterday evening and take home a valuable point from their trip to Milan in the race to stay in Serie A. Speaking about surprising result, valuable stuff and a golden sun symbol of light and life for my favorite soccer team, gold seems […]

No landing and low inflation? Yes, it can!

We got two positive surprises lately. The first one we almost got used to it, the US economy doesn’t show any signs of landing since the US ISM manufacturing rebounded above 50 in March and the non-farm payrolls (NFP) increased again more than expected last month as they rose +303k vs. +215k expected and +270k […]

Adottare l’intelligenza artificiale a Hollywood – e non solo

Quando la Writers Guild of America ha finalmente revocato il suo sciopero di 148 giorni alla fine di settembre 2023, ha salutato un’importante vittoria nella battaglia sull’uso dell’IA nell’industria cinematografica e televisiva. I termini dell’accordo firmato con la Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers impediscono agli studios di ricorrere all’IA per scrivere o modificare […]

Medicina di precisione: una nuova era per l’assistenza sanitaria

Nei primi mesi del 2023, abbiamo aperto un nuovo capitolo all’interno delle nostre Wellness Series, dove puntiamo i riflettori sui trend più accattivanti in ambito sanitario, offrendovi degli approfondimenti sui più affascinanti e recenti sviluppi in materia di benessere. Ciò che un tempo era oggetto di romanzi futuristici sta ora iniziando a diventare realtà: trattamenti […]

Jordan vs. Maradona… What the King would say?

March Madness… It has to be said that the term is certainly not overused this year! A prestigious “Mannshaft” victory against France (we were no longer used to seeing Germany win, whether in sport or economics), the Prancing Horse overtaking again its rivals with an unexpected double for Ferrari at the F1 Australian Grand Prix, […]

Banking on?

Let’s speak about losers today… I will directly skip the mortifying defeat of Cagliari Calcio against Monza this week-end (superb free-kick from Daniel Madini, the son of Paolo and grand-son of Cesare) or the elimination of Inter Milan from the Champion’s league, to focus on the sector investors love to hate, or rather have learned […]