
Trend Focus – Fitness Generation

Fitness has known an unprecedented boom over the latest few years as the health and wellness trend boomed globally. This trend was driven by the rise to power of millennials, to date the healthiest modern generation to grace the earth. Suffice to look at the recent google search trends when it comes to some hot […]

Fabrizio Quirighetti joins DECALIA as CIO

The Geneva-based asset management company DECALIA Asset Management has hired Fabrizio Quirighetti as the Group’s Chief Investment Officer. As part of his responsibilities, he will sit on the Strategy and Investment Committees and will supervise the management of asset allocation and bond funds. He will assume the role on 1 October 2019. Thanks to his […]

Invest Banca distribuirà i fondi DECALIA

Invest Banca, la banca specializzata nella fornitura di servizi di investimento con sede a Empoli, distribuirà i fondi tematici di DECALIA Sicav, gestiti da DECALIA Asset Management.  Invest Banca, capogruppo dell’omonimo gruppo bancario, diventa sub-collocatore di DECALIA Sicav in Italia attraverso la piattaforma di Allfunds Bank e inserisce i fondi tematici di DECALIA nella gamma […]

Banca Intermobiliare distribuirà i fondi DECALIA

Banca Intermobiliare, la storica Private Bank di Torino, distribuirà i fondi UCITS della DECALIA Sicav, gestiti da DECALIA Asset Management. L’accordo nomina Banca Intermobiliare come collocatore della DECALIA SICAV in Italia (attraverso la piattaforma MFEX) e inserisce i fondi DECALIA nella gamma dei prodotti a disposizione dei private banker di Banca Intermobiliare. Bim distribuirà la gamma […]

DECALIA appoints Bernhard Utiger as new Region Head for German-speaking Switzerland

Swiss investment management company DECALIA Asset Management has appointed Bernhard Utiger as Region Head for the development of its asset management business in German-speaking Switzerland. DECALIA started to tackle the Swiss-German market in 2017 and, through this new hire, underlines its strong commitment to the region. In just a few years, DECALIA has begun to […]

DECALIA thrice crowned at the WealthBriefing Swiss Awards 2019

During the WealthBriefing Swiss Awards 2019 awards dinner held yesterday in front of 200 members of the financial industry, Geneva investment management company DECALIA Asset Management won three of the four categories in which it was shortlisted. DECALIA received the best external asset manager, best asset management firm serving family offices and private banks, and […]

Prionti per L’hamburger del futuro?

Il consumo eccessivo di carne animale sta riducendo le risorse naturali del Pianeta, e non è sano Una dieta più bilanciata, prodotti locali e fonti di proteine alternative sono il percorso da seguire Quali sono le società che beneficeranno di questa transizione?


Per navigare i mercati finanziari globali occorre più di una bussola, una mappa ed un sestante L’allontanamento da uno scenario macro ideale sta agitando il mare Mantenere la rotta in questo nuovo regime di volatilità richiede una gestione più attiva

DECALIA lancia un fondo di Merger Arbitrage con W Capital

DECALIA prosegue l’ampliamento della sua gamma di fondi con il lancio di una strategia di merger arbitrage. Questa strategia punta a generare un rendimento assoluto attraente con volatilità bassa, decorrelato dai mercati tradizionali. La gestione del fondo è affidata a W Capital – società specializzata in questa strategia – che vanta uno dei migliori track […]

DECALIA strengthens its sales team in French-speaking Switzerland

DECALIA Asset Management strengthens its institutional sales team by recruiting Truong-Linh Pham. He joins DECALIA after having spent 14 years with Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management. Working alongside Rafaella Ostier, his mission will be to promote the investment solutions developed by the Group to professional clients. A mathematician by training, Truong-Linh Pham began his career […]

Next Year Younger

Human life span has doubled over the last 200 years but expectancy at 70 has barely increased Cure ageing, not (only) diseases! – Paradigm shift in the health industry now well underway Big data as the game-changer – No end in sight for Tech giants longevity…