
Hurricane season cruising

Navigating global financial markets requires more than a compass, a map, and a sextant The transition away from a Goldilocks macro scenario is now stirring up troubled waters Staying the course in this new volatility regime warrants more active portfolio management

DECALIA shortlisted in 4 categories of the 2019 WealthBriefing Swiss Awards

DECALIA has been shortlisted as one of the finalists in four categories of the 2019 WealthBriefing Swiss Awards: External Asset Manager Best Asset Management Firm Serving Family Offices and Private Banks Fund Manager Alternative Fund Manager Showcasing ‘best of breed’ providers in the global private banking, wealth management and trusted advisor communities, the awards were designed […]

DECALIA launches a Merger Arbitrage fund with W Capital

DECALIA continues to develop its range of funds with the launch of a merger arbitrage strategy. This strategy aims at generating an attractive absolute performance with low volatility, while remaining uncorrelated with conventional assets. Management of the fund has been entrusted to W Capital, a specialist in this strategy with one of the best track […]

DECALIA strengthens its sales team in French-speaking Switzerland

DECALIA Asset Management strengthens its institutional sales team by recruiting Truong-Linh Pham. He joins DECALIA after having spent 14 years with Edmond de Rothschild Asset Management. Working alongside Rafaella Ostier, his mission will be to promote the investment solutions developed by the Group to professional clients. A mathematician by training, Truong-Linh Pham began his career […]

Next year younger

Human life span has doubled over the last 200 years but expectancy at 70 has barely increased Cure ageing, not (only) diseases! – Paradigm shift in the health industry now well underway Big data as the game-changer – No end in sight for Tech giants longevity…

The show must go on

From vinyl records to digital files, a wind of change has blown over the global music industry Streaming & concerts have overtaken physical sales – Revenues back to their 2006 peak in the US Digitalization has created new opportunities but not all players will top the Billboard charts


Worth USD 1.3 trillion, the global sport & fitness industry has become a major growth sector today Baby-boomers anxious to remain healthy & body image obsessed Millennials are the main drivers Digital natives have now taken sports to social media – A new societal phenomenon is born!

REdesign, REuse, REduce

The case for circular economy From linear to circular: our civilization functions with a linear approach in which we draw from a finite stock of raw materials and energy to make goods and services that we then throw away, generating often-toxic waste in a unbridled wastage of resources. This model is obviously not sustainable in […]

DECALIA launches the first equity fund dedicated to the circular economy

DECALIA Asset Management innovates by launching DECALIA Circular Economy, the first equity investment fund dedicated to the circular economy. After launching DECALIA Millennials and DECALIA Silver Generation, DECALIA continues to develop strategies focusing on changes in consumer trends. From the linear approach to the circular economy In Nature, matter is transformed and flows in a circular […]