
Thematic pioneer

DECALIA’s Alfredo Piacentini looks to continue his thematic innovation Having founded – and grown – two companies in under 20 years, Alfredo Piacentini is not afraid of venturing off the beaten path. In 1996, he started Banque Syz alongside Paolo Luban – who now sits on DECALIA’s board of directors – and Eric Syz and […]

SPHERE week on ESG

Next Sphere ESG Conference in Zurich (April 5) & Geneva (April 7): Alexander Roose, Head of Equities & co-PM of DECALIA Sustainable SOCIETY will discuss impact investing through the value chain analysis.

Sustainable SOCIETY: DECALIA’s new thematic strategy

The Swiss based asset manager DECALIA SA (“DECALIA”) launches a multi-thematic equity strategy, investing in companies that will shape tomorrow’s society. The strategy is co-managed by Alexander Roose & Quirien Lemey and invests in the seven themes regrouped by the acronym SOCIETY (– Security, O2 & Ecology, Cloud & Digital, Industry 5.0, Elder & Wellbeing, […]

L’immense potentiel de la transformation du secteur de la construction

« Une transition inévitable vers la construction durable », par Antonio Garufi (gérant de Decalia Circular Economy) pour le magazine Agefi. “Après le plongeon obligé du printemps 2020, le secteur de la construction a opéré un magnifique rétablissement. Après une contraction de près de 3% enregistrée l’an dernier, il pourrait gagner plus de 5% cette […]