
Goodbye to tracking?

•Enabling iPhone users to refuse tracking was not just about defending privacy •Ad budgets are shifting to platforms with first-party access to customer data •Regulators need to balance risks to competition with privacy benefits for users When Apple introduced App Tracking Transparency (ATT) back in April 2021, forcing applications to request permission before monitoring user […]

Leveraging on the new normal

The case for european venture debt The tech sector is not broken, valuations are going through readjustment A new scenario has emerged leading to increased cost of the equity vs debt Market shift from „growth at all costs“ businesses to profitability model Since our latest publication, the European tech private market continues to evolve in […]

Wasserstoff befindet sich in einer sehr günstigen Dynamik

Interview mit Alexander Roose, Head of Equities und Co-Lead PM der Strategie DECALIA Sustainable •  Die Eigenschaften von Wasserstoff •   Der Stellenwert von Wasserstoff im Energiesektor •   Die Marktentwicklung bis 2050 •   Die Investitionsgelegenheiten In dieser ersten Ökoserie geht es um das erhebliche ungenutzte Potenzial von Wasserstoff. Schon vor mehr als fünf Jahrzehnten machte Wasserstoff Schlagzeilen, als er […]

Ein neuer Start für Wasserstoff

Fünfzig Jahre nach dem Beitrag zum Erfolg der Apollo-11-Mission tritt Wasserstoff infolge der Energiewende und des Kriegs in der Ukraine erneut ins Rampenlicht. Bevor das Potenzial von Wasserstoff voll ausgeschöpft werden kann, sind etwas Geduld und kurzfristige Investitionsstrategien erforderlich, wie uns Alexander Roose hier erläutert. Das war vor etwas mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert – […]

InCircle conference on May 17 in Geneva

DECALIA is pleased to be a key partner of the 8th edition of the Institutional Circle conference on May 17th in Geneva, which is intended for Swiss & international institutional investors.   DECALIA will moderate as well a panel: How businesses can create value through the Circular Economy? Panellists: Claudio Zara (GREEN Research Centre and […]

Rebalancing for rising rates

Read our latest Private Markets quarterly article Rebalancing for Rising Rates discussing which private markets strategies are likely to outperform in a rising interest rate environment, by our Lead Alternative Portfolio Manager, Reji Vettasseri. Key conclusions: Private credit favoured over highly levered LBO deals – Private credit set to earn higher yields as rates rise, […]

Li-ion batteries: the new frontier

•Surging demand for electric cars has driven lithium prices to stratospheric levels •As supply has fallen behind the curve, procurement is a key focus for auto makers •They are also investing heavily into battery manufacturing – vying for a competitive edge Elon Musk just made the headlines with his acquisition of Twitter. What if his […]

The ultimate resource

•Limited supply and increasing demand: such are the dynamics of the water market •Climate change only worsens the picture, heralding shortages and conflicts •The need -and investment opportunity- for better infrastructure/efficiency is great With the war in Ukraine, access to energy and agricultural commodities is an immediate worry and, quite understandably, the subject of much […]