
Greener buildings

• More efficient heating/cooling systems are paramount in fighting climate change • Technology, regulation & investment are helping drive down “operational carbon”… • …making “embodied carbon” the next frontier for building industry – and investors Alongside their many other geopolitical, economic and human ramifications, the dramatic events in Ukraine have pushed the oil price above […]

Vintage has become SO trendy!

Second-hand online exchanges are thriving, thanks to the pandemic but not only. Going forward, they stand to play a key role in a more circular economy… …as well as being an attractive – high margin/return/growth – investment space. The move towards a more circular economy is far from just a short-term fad. Unlike many other […]

Bespoke diet: from hype to reality

Personalised food is no longer a premium (and somewhat arcane) niche market Technological progress, as well as greater health awareness, is driving growth Picking winners in this burgeoning industry is no easy task though As 2022 sets in, no doubt that many of the new year resolutions being taken have to do with a healthier […]

A roaring pet economy

In the Covid-world of the past 18 months, human bonding to pets has strengthened Globally the pet products/services market looks set to reach $350 billion by 2027 Plenty of investment opportunities albeit not always pureplay and often expensive

Fighting Cybercrime

Cybersecurity is taking on utmost importance, in both the public and private sector Legacy data protection systems require a complete overhaul, towards “Zero Trust” Cloud native players are disrupting traditional security providers

Precision farming

Technological advances are revolutionising agriculture practices… … promising lower costs, higher productivity and, above all, enhanced sustainability The investment world is buzzing with new up-and-coming agtech companies

A good time for a new taste!

Few industries have been as hard hit as restaurants during the Covid pandemic Digitalisation, merchandising, layout: new ways of doing business are here to stay Customers are looking for an “experience”, whether eating out or at home

E-bike shortages

Rising demand for e-bikes is more than just a temporary phenomenon Ongoing supply chain disruptions are making for much extended delivery times The whole biking ecosystem is thriving, as mobility undergoes a (green) revolution

The case against oil bashing

Under mounting pressure, Big Oil is struggling to shake off its negative image Yet, many producers – notably European – are actively transitioning their business Being invested means having a say in this change… and reaping attractive returns?

And the winner is… Switzerland

This month will – at long last – see 24 nations contend for the Euro 2020 trophy Defying football odds, our macro scoring system puts Switzerland as the favourite Defence, midfield, attack: to perform well a portfolio must be strong all-round