
The film production industry and its use of private debt

An interview with the Align Group, a film financing specialist A fast growing market decorrelated from the financial markets Transformed by Covid and the growing success of streaming platforms A new, dynamic environment, offering opportunities and attractive return What major trends are currently driving the film production market? At the moment, the growing success of […]

Wärmedämmung: Ein vielversprechender und notwendiger Bestandteil der Energiewende

Interview mit Andrea Biscia, Aktienanalyst, ESG-Analyst O2 & Ökologie ist eines der sieben Hauptthemen des Strategie DECALIA Sustainable, der unsere Gesellschaft von morgen prägen wird. Der Bereich Wärmedämmung bietet ein enormes Potenzial. Folgendes sollten Sie darüber wissen: Da Europa an der Energiefront ein harter Winter bevorsteht, liegt das unmittelbare Augenmerk der politischen Entscheidungsträger natürlich auf […]

Finding gold in the silver generation

Roberto Magnatantini explains to Gill Newton why all his holdings are exposed to the aging population theme, how ESG is integrated into investment approaches and which companies have ‘outstanding’ IR. How does DECALIA fit into the Geneva-based investment community? DECALIA is ranked among the Top 50 independent asset managers in Switzerland by Citywire. The firm is also […]

A new era for women’s sports

• Growing audiences, TV rights, sponsorships, company revenues… • … the ball is rolling fast on the women’s sports field • Enough to hope for the gender pay gap to recede? They brought it home! A feminine “they”, mind you, in the final match of a Euro 2022 tournament that heralds a new era for […]

DECALIA is attending IPEM 2022 in Cannes

DECALIA is attending IPEM 2022 7th edition in Cannes 20, 21, 22 September, Palais des Festivals! Rafaella Ostier, Business Development (Private Markets & Thematic Strategies) and Franco Maria Facecchia, Private Markets Analyst look forward to seeing you there!

Towards a bluer economy

•Sustainable exploitation of the maritime environment is key to fight climate change •Addressing the plastic waste issue will require significant (public and private) funds •Recycling should be expanded – making for diverse investment opportunities Those lucky to be enjoying a beach vacation this summer certainly want to swim in pristine waters. But it is not […]

DECALIA frischt Management mit neuem Partner auf

Der in Genf ansässige Vermögensverwalter DECALIA hat einen langjährigen Kadermann ins Partnergremium berufen. Die Partner des Genfer Asset Managers DECALIA haben Anfang Juli 2022 Nicolò Miscioscia zum Partner in ihrem Management Committee ernannt, wie der Firmenwebseite zu entnehmen ist. Nachdem Nicolò Miscioscia mehrere Jahre lang die Abteilung Private Markets geleitet hat, wird er den Platz von Isabella Pedrazzini in der Geschäftsleitung […]

DECALIA Capital, subsidiary of DECALIA SA, has structured a minority investment in EDGE Strategy

DECALIA Capital is pleased to announce that on the 1st of July 2022 it successfully structured a minority stake investment into Edge Strategy, a leading global SaaS-based solution to measure, improve and certify gender and intersectional equity, in order to accelerate the international development and support the Founder, Aniela Unguresan, and her management team. EDGE […]